The Most Excellent Way ministers to both men and women desiring to break free from addiction – whether that be drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, codependency, or any other self-centered, life-destroying addiction. This is the place to come experience true life change. The Most Excellent Way offers our community a place where you can come and be set free for once and for all from addictions.


The following is a list of common issues we can help with

Below are a few examples of the addictions we have seen individuals set free from:

  • – Illicit Drugs
  • – Marijuana
  • – Alcohol
  • – Gambling
  • – Pornography
  • – Food
  • – Shopping
  • – Codependency
  • – Violence‍


Regardless of the issue you are dealing with, we know that Jesus Christ is the solution that brings lasting change from the inside out. We have met person after person who can give testimony of a life transformed by Christ.



Qualified Staff

All of our meetings and studies are led by people who understand you because they have been set free from some form of addiction themselves. A person coming to The Most Excellent Way does not need to fear being judged because all of us get it. We love because Jesus first loved us, and we want to help others deeply know our Savior so that they may be set free as well.



Finding Hope

The Most Excellent Way meets every week (even on holidays) and has three seprate meeting locations throughout the week. See below. Each meeting offers separate groups for men and women with childcare available. Each first Monday night of the month,  we have a group called “Friends and Family” for spouses and family members desiring to know how to support their loved ones who are struggling with addiction.


Jeffrey Marshall

The Most Excellent Way Director


If you have any questions or would like more information about our meetings, and what is offered, please contact Pastor Jeffrey